Empowered municipal councils leading to better local governance

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation project “Empowering Municipal Councils” is aimed at promoting accountable and transparent democratic institutions at local level.

The Law on Local Self-Government and the Ohrid Framework Agreement transferred considerable powers to municipalities in the areas of primary and secondary education, culture, social and communal services.

However, municipalities in Macedonia still find themselves lacking both sufficient funds and human resources to satisfy the needs of local residents. Shortcomings are particularly pronounced in smaller, rural municipalities.

Municipalities still remain highly dependent upon transfers from the central budget which account for 61% of municipal spending

A large share of these funds are block grants that must be spent in a highly regulated manner, for example as salaries for teachers

This leaves little space for planning and investments.

Revenues from local taxes amount to only 23% of total assets and although gradually increasing, they still remain a marginal source of income.

In this context, financial performance of the municipalities varies dramatically. Challenges also persist in democratic accountability.

Although municipal residents select both their Mayors and their municipal councils in regular direct elections, there is often little contact or exchange between constituents and their representatives. In addition, the council members have little training, prior knowledge, preparedness or time for the duties they are meant to assume.

Municipal councils are also facing challenges in their role regarding the provision of equal opportunities for women and men as well as to encourage cohesion in a diverse, multi-ethnic society.

Election-list quotas have brought the level of women’s representation in local councils to roughly one-third of all membership, yet gender considerations are seldom evident in council debates or municipal spending decisions.

Few councils have women presidents, and executive positions are overwhelmingly dominated by men. Spending decisions are likewise often made without considering specific needs of different ethnic communities

“Empowering Municipal Councils” aims to correct these systemic deficits.

The overarching goal of the project is to empower the councils so that they can carry out their duties and tasks in a more effective manner and in synergy with the Mayors and the municipal administration. It will do this by empowering municipal council members with the knowledge, confidence and supportive peer network they need to fulfil their constitutional functions of representation, legislation and oversight at the local level.

In addition, by creating easier channels of communication between the public and the council, the project aims to enhance the accountability and transparency of local government.

The ultimate aim is to improve the quality of life for citizens by ensuring that municipal decisions reflect their needs and priorities, and that public funds are spent in an accountable, efficient fashion.